How Neck Pain Can Cause Headaches and Migraines

Neck pain and headaches can be interrelated, so understanding this relationship can be helpful in managing and preventing migraines and other headaches from disrupting your life. Our team at Mid-Atlantic Brain and Neurological Rehabilitation in Silver Spring, MD, offers this guidance regarding the causes and available migraine and headache treatment options.

Neck Pain, Headaches, and Migraines

Headaches originating from a neck problem/issue are typically chronic but can vary, depending on the cause. Here are some factors that may be contributing to your condition:

Muscle Tension

Tense muscles in the neck/shoulder region often cause neck pain, which can lead to tension headaches and may even trigger a migraine.

Cervicogenic/Tension Headaches

These types of headaches originate from problems related to the cervical spine (i.e., the neck region). Certain medical conditions may cause these types of headaches -  cervical arthritis, a herniated disc, whiplash, etc.

Poor Posture

Slouching/hunching over a computer is an example of poor posture. It can strain the neck muscles and misalign the spine, contributing to neck pain and may even cause headaches and migraines.


Stress and anxiety generally create neck and shoulder muscle tension and, ultimately, pain in the area. Unchecked muscle tension can trigger headaches and migraines but, thankfully, can be addressed by various headache treatment options.

Lifestyle Changes to Proactively Help Prevent Neck Pain/Headaches

Consider the following to help manage/prevent headaches caused by neck pain:

  • Practicing good posture alleviates strain on the neck.
  • Setting up your workstation ergonomically may help reduce neck strain issues.
  • Exercising/stretching to help strengthen neck and shoulder muscles, potentially reducing tension and eliminating pain.
  • Stay hydrated.
  • Get enough sleep.
  • Eat a balanced diet. 

Get Neck Pain Treatment and Headache Treatment from a Wellness Professional Near You

If you are frequently experiencing headaches or migraines that negatively impact your daily routine, contact a care provider at Mid-Atlantic Brain and Neurological Rehabilitation in Silver Spring, MD. Call us at (240) 766-8881 for neck pain treatment and headache treatment from a wellness professional near you.

Mid-Atlantic Brain and Neurological Rehabilitation

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8:30 am - 6:00 pm
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8:30 am - 6:00 pm
8:30 am - 8:00 pm