Signs You May Have Vertigo

Vertigo is more than just feeling dizzy. It’s the sensation that you or your surroundings are spinning or moving, resulting in balance issues and nausea. At Mid-Atlantic Brain and Neurological Rehabilitation in Silver Springs, MD, we often treat patients experiencing vertigo and help provide relief. Here are some of the most common signs and symptoms that may indicate you have vertigo.

Sensation of Spinning

The hallmark of vertigo is feeling like you or the room is spinning when nothing is actually moving. It may feel like you’re on a spinning amusement park ride or boat in choppy waters. The spinning sensation comes in episodes that can last for seconds, minutes, hours, or longer. Moving your head often makes it worse and the spinning feeling leads to loss of balance.

Nausea and Vomiting

Along with the spinning sensation, vertigo often causes nausea, vomiting, and overall motion sickness. Your brain receives mismatching signals from your vision and inner ear, which creates this seasick feeling. Nausea can come on suddenly with a vertigo attack.

Balance Problems

Vertigo episodes cause imbalance and unsteadiness since your spatial awareness becomes disrupted. You may sway, lean, or need to sit or steady yourself to avoid falling over. Walking a straight line becomes difficult. Balancing becomes harder with your eyes closed.


Some vertigo patients also experience headaches. The headaches may be mild or severe migraine headaches, depending on the cause of your vertigo. The headaches can come before or after a vertigo attack.

Hearing Changes

Some patients notice ringing in their ears (tinnitus) or muffled hearing during a vertigo spell. Thankfully, your hearing typically returns to normal after an attack stops.

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If you’re experiencing any signs of vertigo, come see our team right away to determine the cause. Our team at Mid-Atlantic Brain and Neurological Rehabilitation, serving Silver Spring, MD, provides customized vertigo treatment plans to help reduce symptoms and triggers. Call us at (240) 766-8881 for neck pain treatment, migraine treatment, chronic pain management, and chronic pain treatment from a wellness physician near you for pain relief.

Mid-Atlantic Brain and Neurological Rehabilitation

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